Monday, October 24, 2011

Take a Breather

Boyfriend has his share of quirks. He's constantly rocking back and forth, he can only listen to the radio on even numbers or multiples of five, but the hardest thing for me is how he shows affection. I was raised by parents who don't believe in saying mean things- seriously, I cut my sister's hair when she was two years old and I was four, and all I had to do was promise my mom I wouldn't do it again. Guess what. I did it again. Boyfriend's parents raised three boys who got the belt when they misbehaved. That would explain why he's so down to Earth and I'm so... creative.

He likes to make fun of me when I say stupid things, because that's how his parents are with him. He'll say, "Oh my God, you're so retarded," and we'll laugh it off. He doesn't mean I'm literally retarded, he's just joking around. When we first started dating, we spent 24/7 together, and after a few weeks of nothing but him, I started to get offended by these remarks. This also happens when I don't get enough sleep, or I'm hungry or stressed. One day, he called me a stupid or some other equivalent name, and I burst into tears. I cried, "You don't like being around me, and you think I'm stupid!" He assured me that it's all just in fun, but he was obviously confused, because I never had a problem with it up until that moment.

If those little quirks you usually think are so adorable start to drive you out of your mind, it's time for a Night Out.

Call up your ladies and plan something fun, or plan some relaxation time for just you and Netflix. You'd be surprised how much of a difference it makes to just get your eight hours of sleep! The truth is, you need your time to unwind and concentrate on yourself. Take a bath, paint your nails, go on a hike, do some woodshop, give yourself some time for just you and your hobbies.

He needs time, too. As cute as he thinks you are, he needs some time with just his friends where he can be himself without you around. You're not two halves of one whole, as much as you may feel that way. You're two people who need to be apart sometimes. It doesn't mean he loves you any less. In fact, time apart gives him the chance to miss you, so it might even make him love you more!

And one more thing: Don't consider time at work as time away from each other. My hours at work have been steadily increasing, and Boyfriend just got a new full-time job. This means we have less free time than ever, but I know I can't use it all myself. He still needs his Guy's Night Out, and I respect that.

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