Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Skip the Makeup

Good morning, ladies!

How much work does it really take to go from Beast to Beauty? We've grown up surrounded by magazines and billboards depicting "the perfect woman," when we should actually be looking at these images and praising "the perfect Photoshop artist" who created these ads. Yet we spend hours in the bathroom every morning, plucking and primping, trying to compete with these larger-than-life retouched creations.

If you spend one hour doing your hair and makeup every morning, that amounts to seven hours a week. 350+ hours every year gone, just getting ready to get out there and live your glorious life! Imagine what you could do with that time. You could cook yourself a tasty and nutritious breakfast before heading off to work, and pack a lunch for later. You could study a new language, or learn to ride a unicycle. The world is your oyster.

I'm not trying to say makeup is bad, but I will say that too much makeup is absolutely bad. I don't think I'll ever understand the Jersey Shore look, and I'm okay with that.

Despite what impressions the media gives, not all men like a 1-inch-thick layer of slime on your face. It rubs off on people's clothes when you hug them, and it's just generally odd to look at. It's also unhealthy for your skin. You know that tiny zit you buried in coverup? Now there are five more nasty blackheads where that first one was. You know those freckles that you're trying to cover up? Stop it. Everyone else thinks they're adorable, and you should, too.

Men like the natural look. Go a day without makeup, or try a minimal amount, and see what a difference it makes.

Now, that's sexy!

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